
Initial Evaluation

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Saved by Raquel
on October 17, 2017 at 5:39:12 pm



Students' Initial Evaluation Surveys


"GoFor" Questionnaire on  linguistic skills, students' habits and likes



At least 80 students must answer these survey in each country

Thanks a lot for your collaboration!




Apart from that, regarding results, we need to analyse them doing the following:


  • If your students access to SurveyMonkey links ( the ones provided on the wiki) to do the test, I'll probably get your results. I'll share them all with you.
  • If your students get these tests translated into a different language, and therefore, you've used a different platform to do them, obviously you'll get your students' results.


In both cases, I'd like you to edit a common  SWOT analysis of all of our students' results. This is something we'll discuss, share and compare in the first TM in La Llagosta. Here you've a sample.

Thanks a lot all for your great effort!


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