1st year Gofor project survey


1. I'd like all the teachers who take part in the first year of our Gofor project to fill in this questionnaire.

          Thanks a lot for your collaboration


2. I'd like all the students involved in the project to fill in this Gofor 1st year questionnaire 

           Thanks a lot! 


3. To get some emotional feedback from our students; I created this LINO wall to let them express what they learnt and how they felt. 







2. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pK_kyONCSsk4ENIfbU8cipDaP18EQR6AP2t96xBYo-0/edit#responses












1. Teachers' questionnaire:


9. What was the MOST valuable about the 1st year project?12 respostes


10. What was the LEAST valuable about the 1st year project?12 respostes


12. Is there anything you would like to say about your experience in the first year of Gofor project?12 respostes